香港紅十字會備災及緊急應變策略委員會成員梁榮武教授(右二)、香港紅十字會行政總裁/秘書長蘇婉嫻女士(右一)、香港海洋公園助理總監屈文希女士(左一)、活動大使謝安琪(左二)及Kakaball(中)一同為小樹苗澆沙,為「Greentival 綠『惜』市集」揭開序幕。
Prof LEUNG Wing-mo, Member of the Emergency Preparedness & Response Strategic Committee of the HKRC (second from right), Ms Bonnie SO, Chief Executive Officer/Secretary General of the HKRC (first from right), Ms Beryl WATT, Assistant Director of the Ocean Park Hong Kong (first from left), Kay TSE, Event Ambassador (second from left), and Kakaball, Event Ambassador (middle), watered the small saplings, marking the start of the event.
銀贊助 華營建築有限公司董事兼工程總經理陳德耀先生
Silver Sponsor CR Construction Co Limited, Director and General Manager for Construction, Mr. Paul Chan
銀贊助 梁靳羽珊女士
Silver Sponsor Mrs. LEONG Kan Yu San
銅贊助 Deckers Brands PX, CSR & Office Manager, Ms. Pamela Lin
Bronze Sponsor Deckers Brands PX, CSR & Office Manager, Ms. Pamela Lin
愛心企業 朝日集團有限公司市場部總監黃騫穎女士
Caring Sponsor Asahi Group Company Limited, Marketing Manager, Ms. Angela Wong
愛心企業 香港興業國際集團有限公司酒店業務營運執行副總裁麥偉森先生
Caring Sponsor HKR International Limited, Executive Vice President, Hospitality Operations, Mr. Franklin Mak
嘉賓、活動大使謝安琪及Kakaball、各贊助機構代表、一眾Green Transformation得獎者大合照
Guests, ambassador Kay Tse, Kakaball, sponsor organizations representatives, and all the Green Transformation winners for a group photo